Smart battery storage brAIn as a Service: Benefits with zero costs and worries

Within the energy industry, there is a wide portfolio of products that can help regulate and optimize electricity consumption for businesses. One of the less-known solutions is battery storage, which is typically used to store solar surpluses or for so-called peak shaving. Those common are used to store solar surpluses or to cover peak electricity demand.

  • Published: 05. 09. 2023
  • Written by: Fuergy

And then there is the brAIn smart battery storage, a Ferrari among the storages that offers plenty of other functionalities and options. Companies don't even have to buy it themselves, but can only rent it and not worry about anything else.

What makes the smart battery storage brAIn different?

Unlike the solar panels, the battery storage brAIn pays for itself by providing so-called non-certified ancillary services. It does so brAIn by regulating the electricity consumption, possibly also the production of electricity directly at the customer’s site. The well-timed electricity consumption and production helps the TSO to manage surpluses or shortages of electricity in the power grid, thereby ensuring the stability and reliability of the electricity supply. The battery storage brAIn is then financially rewarded for such help.

Energy stored in the batteries is continuously released when it is most advantageous, so that they can be later charged with solar surpluses or "cheap" surplus electricity from the power grid. The brAIn storage works 24/7, using its capacity to 100% and providing a number of other benefits.

What are the conditions of the Smart battery storage brAIn as a Service model?

The fundamental criterion is a company's regulation potential - the potential to regulate its production and consumption of electricity. The greater the fluctuations in the production and consumption of electricity the company has, the more often the batteries can be charged and discharged and thus also generate profit. In other words, a good candidate for the brAIn smart battery storage provided as a service does not have constant consumption throughout the day. It is also very efficient for the whole process if the company is in operation 24/7, though this is far from a necessity.

A company suitable for installing the brAIn storage as a service should also have an annual electricity consumption of at least 1.5 gigawatt hours.

Last but not least, the company must be a client of one of our partner energy suppliers. Not every supplier supports the provision of non-certified ancillary services. Yet it is the energy supplier who settles the financial reward for providing the ancillary services. If the company has another supplier, it is necessary to switch to one of the above-mentioned suppliers.

Read more about how companies can save thousands of euros and reduce emissions by switching electricity suppliers.

Ecological benefits

When providing non-certified ancillary services, the storage effectively replaces fossil resources and prevents carbon emissions to a high degree, which can be subsequently reported in the ESG report.

The smart battery storage brAIn can function just as efficiently even without solar panels. Although when combined with this green energy source, the usability of green electricity, and thus also the reduction of carbon emissions, increases significantly.

Read more about the environmental benefits of brAIn smart battery storage.

Economic benefits

With the Smart battery storage brAIn as a Service, the customer receives the battery storage free of charge. The installation of the battery brAIn at his delivery point must thus provide an attractive return on investment, currently it is less than 5 years. The investment must be interesting especially from the point of view of the financing entity.

A 5-year lease agreement is for example concluded between the company renting the brAIn smart battery storage from the energy supplier Slovenské elektrárne - energetické služby s.r.o. in the case this supplier also finances the storage for the company. In addition to the electricity supplier, FUERGY or another third party may fund the battery brAIn.

For the duration of the rental agreement, the company receives a share of the overall financial effect achieved by brAIn from providing non-certified ancillary services. The amount of the share can be fixed or variable, as determined in the contract.

After the end of the contract, the company usually receives an offer to extend it. Depending on the contractual conditions, the company may also be offered the option of purchasing the storage outright.

Read more about the economic benefits of brAIn smart battery storage.

Zero worries

With the Smart battery storage brAIn as a Service model, the customer has to worry about practically nothing. FUERGY or the energy supplier will take care of all applications, permits and other administrative tasks, as well as professional installation, which we adapt to the customer's operating conditions. We then monitor the storage in 24/7 mode in order to detect any malfunctions in time, and also perform regular service.

Energy analysis is the key

Every company is unique, and there are many factors that enter into the design of the capacity and the performance of the battery storage brAIn. As with the Solar panels as a Service model, the conditions of the installation site, including its electrical equipment, play an important role. They can have an impact on the overall costs and thus the return on investment.

Whether a company is a suitable candidate for storage rental is determined by an energy analysis, which we perform separately for each delivery point. During the audit we look specifically at the customer’s diagram of electricity consumption, and also its electricity production if it operates an energy source.

Benefits of the Smart battery storage brAIn as a Service model:

  • Zero investment costs
  • Zero worries about repairs and maintenance
  • Zero worries about applications and permits
  • Tailor made battery storage
  • CO2 reduction backed by data for ESG reporting
  • Reactive power compensation
  • Prevention of reserved capacity overrun
  • Partial coverage of micro-outages
  • Extra profit from helping the power grid
  • Unbeatable conditions for the electricity supply from a partner supplier
  • Tolerance for deviations
  • Automated generation of electricity plans
  • Online overview of electricity production/consumption

What can a company get as a service?

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