Let's start with a short video
Now, we can break it down.
There is only one planet Earth

Did you know that implimenting renewable energy sources is not as easy as it appears to be?
All around the world, power grid operators follow one important equation: electricity produced = electricity consumed. This means that at every moment, there must always be only as much electricity as consumers need.
Fossil fuels such as coal or natural gas produce electricity whenever you burn them but renewables can be fairly unpredictable when it comes to power generation, like the weather. So when the sun suddenly comes out, the power grid needs to find consumers for this newly-produced energy. What if there are no takers? The energy is then, simply said, thrown into the waste bin.
This situation is exactly what FUERGY solutions aim to prevent. Our system will either store excess energy via batteries or find a better use for it. With FUERGY, all energy sources, and especially green ones, are utilized to the fullest and every customer has access to as much energy as they need at the lowest price possible.
Unique software and hardware

To be able to manage energy flow in the most efficient way, we created our own software development platform called mosAIc. MosAIc is powered by artificial intelligence (AI), or more precisely neural networks, and allows us to build applications tailored for automated energy management.
AI plays a major role in analyzing a wide range of data, creating certain patterns and generating detailed predictions of energy use behavior.
FUERGY software constantly analyzes the needs of an energy consumer, power grid fluctuations and price developments on the electricity markets and makes autonomous decisions based on the data. Through a special device called FUERGY Control unit, FUERGY software instructs connected technologies such as batteries, renewable energy sources, energy-intensive systems or electric vehicle chargers, to take certain actions.
When there is a surplus of electricity in the power grid offered at a lower price, the software instructs the Control units to charge batteries, electric vehicles or to turn on energy-intensive systems. On the other hand, when the power grid is lacking electricity, the software discharges batteries or turns off some technologies. Not to mention some additional benefits that the smart system brAIn offers.
Same technology, better results

Solar panels paired with a basic battery system may sometimes lead to a situation where a battery is fully charged and goes unused until there is a need for the stored electricity. The battery can therefore be inactive for hours, a wasted opportunity.
FUERGY solutions harness green technologies to the fullest, charging and discharging batteries multiple times throughout the day for the most optimal use of its capacity, which also leads to more attractive financial returns.
Revolutionary outcomes

FUERGY solutions for energy optimization are currently reaching outstanding results. We have been able to increase the utilization of electricity generated by solar panels from an average of 50% to approximately 90%.
Combined with 100% usage of battery capacity, we can boast of reducing the payback period for complete solar plus storage systems to 3 years. Taking into account the average 25-year lifespan of solar panels and up to 15 years for batteries, the system can pay for itself at least 5 times.
Modern management of connected technologies and EV charging

FUERGY is not only about battery management. In fact, the application called flexibility brAIn can also manage any energy-intensive system with the potential for accumulation or regulation, because such systems can also act as batteries. This might sound a bit strange, but imagine saving on energy costs simply by letting the brAIn control the daily operation of your chillers, air conditioners, heat pumps or air compressors, simply turning the systems on and off or regulating input power according to the momentary situation in the power grid, all while ensuring that the site’s operation or your comfort is never affected.
Smart EV charging through a specially modified charging station can also be integrated into the FUERGY solution. EV batteries are charged when it is convenient for both the power grid and vehicle operator, and when necessary, the EV battery can also provide electricity for building operation. This way the battery is put to work even while not driving and costs less to charge.
Solutions for everyone

FUERGY solutions are designed to fit all markets and can be applied worldwide, both on-and off-grid, solving energy problems at all levels – helping electricity suppliers to better monitor and plan the consumption of their balancing groups (i.e. the portfolios of their clients), assisting producers of electricity in improving the production and sales of the electricity, but most importantly, providing easier access for every single energy consumer to have easier access to green technologies, allowing them to become energy self-sufficient and save on energy costs.
Platform for the energy of tomorrow

Aggregators of flexibility, prosumers, energy sharing, waste to energy or power to X; there are so many great ideas that can improve the energy sector in a variety of ways but imagine maintaining a different technology and software for each one. Managing them all together could be a challenge.
In energy, where everything is related to everything else, a single platform on which all the solutions can be built is more than favorable. Our proprietary software development platform mosAIc allows us to build specialized applications for each of these trends and thus shorten implementation time, make interconnection easier and achieve greater synergy.
End of compromising

There is no longer a need to choose between being ecological or economical. By making renewables a compelling alternative to fossil fuels, we can speed up mass adoption globally. With FUERGYsolutions, the energy transition can start today and everyone can be a part of it.
What are FUERGY’s next steps?
The team will be strengthened, solutions fine-tuned and FUERGY will be established on the European markets. Moreover, we plan to focus on the Energy-as-a-service model, meaning that our solutions will be available to end customers in the form of leasing.
Our goal for the upcoming decade is to become a modern global energy company, offering complex products and services that eliminate carbon footprints and offer significant energy savings for everyone.
Are you ready to be part of the renewable energy revolution and take your energy independence to the next level? Contact us today! Our experts are here to help you find a tailor-made solution to your needs.
New dimension of energy optimization