
Residential building
flexibility brAIn for heat pumps
Delivery point: Anna Park, Miloslavov
In Anna Park, a residential building in Miloslavov, we implemented a brAIn flexibility software solution to regulate water-to-water heat pumps.
The purpose is automated regulation of heat pump performance at the delivery point within preset upper and lower limits controlled by a master measurement and regulation system (MaR). The solution also aims to help the power grid balance unwanted surpluses or shortages of electricity in real-time, thereby generating a financial profit from the provision of non-certified ancillary services.
Installation was carried out in cooperation with the energy supplier Slovenské elektrárne – energetické služby, which is also the owner of the energy infrastructure, within the Energy as a Service model.
The total regulated capacity is 594 kW, providing effective energy consumption management, earning money from the grid support service and reducing CO2 emissions as well.
- 594 kW

Shopping mall
High-capacity battery storage system brAIn
Delivery point: OC Galéria, Martin
Our first, entirely indoor battery storage brAIn is now located in the Galéria shopping mall in Martin. It has a capacity of 108 kWh and was installed in cooperation with the energy supplier Slovenské elektrárne - energetické služby through the Smart battery storage brAIn as a service model.
The Galéria received the battery storage brAIn completely free of charge, and at the same time, receives a part of the revenue generated, thereby reducing its total energy costs.This is done by brAIn’s efficient management of electricity consumption from the power grid. In addition, the Galéria no longer has to purchase expensive certificates of origin of electricity from green sources. The brAIn storage reduces the shopping center's carbon footprint, by up to 28% annually, even without solar panels.
This time we also utilized the residual heat from the batteries, which our system blows into a previously unheated corridor, while cold air is drawn into the battery storage room to cool the batteries. This extra adjustment increased the energy efficiency of the entire solution and at the same time, improved the work environment for Galéria shopping mall employees.
Customer's total costs: EUR 0 under the Energy as a Service model.
You can read more about this project on our blog.
- 108 kWh

National Football Stadium
flexibility brAIn for heat pumps
Delivery point: ŠK Slovan, Bratislava
The National Football Stadium is a unique building that has been thought through to the last detail. It boasts the title of the most modern and "greenest" stadium in Central Europe, as up to 50% of its electricity consumption can be covered by renewable energy. For one of the technologies – water/water heat pumps with a maximum output of 3,150 kW, we have deployed our digital solution flexibility brAIn. Heat pumps are used, among other things, for lawn heating or general cooling and offer great potential for their regulation. The energy optimization achieved by the heat pumps is thus complemented by emissions savings from providing non-certified ancillary services.
Customer's total costs: EUR 0 under the Energy as a Service model.
Learn more about the flexibility brAIn on our blog.
- 216 kWh

Metallurgical Plant
flexibility brAIn for furnace and hydroelectric power plant
Delivery point: Železiarne Podbrezová
For the company Železiarne Podbrezová we have deployed our smart management of the arc furnace and the small hydroelectric power plant Jasenie used for iron smelting. The regulation takes place only to the extent and for such a period of time that does not affect the production process and the quality of the final products. This transmits into lower energy costs and reduction of carbon emissions arising in the process of electricity production and distribution. In this use case, the reduction of electricity consumption was achieved as well. Due to the large volume of regulation power, the financial effect achieved with the FUERGY solution represents a significant cost-optimization for Železiarne Podbrezová.
Customer's total costs: EUR 0 under the Energy as a Service model.
Learn more about the flexibility brAIn on our blog.
- 37,5 MW

Residential building
flexibility brAIn for heat pump
Delivery point: Matadorka, Bratislava
Our smart management was deployed also for the residential building Matadorka. Flexibility brAIn regulates the power output and thus also the electricity consumption of the heat pump according to the situation in the transmission system and electricity supplier’s load deviation in order to achieve the greatest possible financial savings. The regulation only takes place within the pre-defined limits and conditions so that it doesn’t affect the operation of the heat pump and the comfort of the residents. The effect of regulation translates into lower energy costs and a lower carbon footprint of the building.
Customer's total costs: EUR 0 under the Energy as a Service model.
Learn more about the flexibility brAIn on our blog.
- 600 kW

Textile factory
flexibility brAIn for cooling systems
Delivery point: Müller Textiles, Humenné
As a complement to the smart battery storage brAIn, we have also installed smart management of the textile plant’s cooling systems. The software solution Flexibility brAIn autonomously regulates the power output of the chillers according to the situation in the transmission system and the electricity supplier’s load deviation. Flexibility brAIn achieves better results when it is installed together with the battery storage, as the electricity consumption can be regulated not only by the software but also by charging and discharging of the batteries. This results in better financial savings and even greater reduction the CO2 emissions.
Customer's total costs: EUR 0 under the Energy as a Service model.
Learn more about the flexibility brAIn on our blog.
- 700 kW