
Reactive power

Reactive power is a type of electrical energy that exists within an electrical system but is not used to perform work, such as converting energy into mechanical motion or heat. Reactive power is necessary for the proper functioning of electrical devices, such as transformers and inductive motors, and for maintaining voltage within the electrical system.

Reactive power is crucial for the operation of the electrical system because it ensures that all equipment functions correctly and efficiently. Although it does not produce real power, its presence and proper management are essential for the stability and reliability of electrical systems.

Regulated energy consumer

A regulated electricity consumer is an individual or legal entity that consumes electricity based on a bundled electricity supply contract with an electricity supplier. These consumers have a legal entitlement to an electricity or gas supply price regulated by the Regulatory Office for network industries (ÚRSO). Regulated consumers include households and small businesses with an annual consumption of up to 30 MWh of electricity or 100 MWh of gas. This group also includes homeowners' associations with their own boiler rooms, social service facilities, and rental and social housing.

Regulated consumers benefit from stable and predictable electricity prices, providing them protection from fluctuations in the energy market. These regulated prices are set to ensure access to electricity at fair and affordable rates for more vulnerable population groups and small businesses.

Regulating electricity (RE)

Regulating electricity (RE) is electricity used to maintain the balance between the production and consumption of electricity in the power system. This type of electricity is deployed in the event of deviations, when it is necessary to immediately increase or decrease the amount of supplied energy to ensure the stability of the electrical grid.

Regulating electricity can be positive or negative. Positive regulating electricity balances positive system deviations (i.e. excess electricity in the power grid) and requires an increase in electricity production from energy sources or a decrease in consumption on the part of customers. Negative regulating electricity compensates for negative deviations in the system (i.e. a lack of electricity in the power grid), and necessitates a reduction by producers or an increase in consumption by consumers.

Regulation potential of the delivery point

The regulatory potential of a delivery point is the ability of that point to regulate the production and consumption of electricity in order to provide non-certified ancillary services to the electrical grid. This potential is crucial for optimizing the use of energy resources and maximizing financial rewards from providing these services.

Key aspects of regulatory potential include:

  • Regulation of production and consumption: A delivery point with high regulatory potential can effectively change its electricity consumption and production, allowing for the charging and discharging of batteries as needed by the grid.

  • Financial rewards: A brAIn battery storage system that utilizes regulatory potential is financially rewarded for providing regulatory services, contributing to the return on investment.

  • Dynamic consumption: A delivery point should not have constant consumption throughout the day. Larger fluctuations in electricity consumption and production increase regulatory potential, as the FUERGY system can more frequently charge and discharge batteries.

Regulatory potential is important for companies that want to optimize their energy costs and contribute to the stabilization of the electrical grid. Higher regulatory potential means greater opportunities for earning through energy services.

Renewable energy

Energy obtained from a sources that are not exhausted through their use. The main sources of renewable energy include water, wind power, solar power, geothermal energy, and biofuels. These sources are sustainable and contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, thereby promoting environmental protection and combating climate change.

Reserved capacity (RC)

Reserved Capacity (RC) is the amount of electrical power secured for a consumer based on a monthly, quarterly, or annual electricity distribution contract or contract on the joint supply of electricity. At very high voltage (VHV) and high voltage (HV) levels, RC is determined as the quarter-hourly power secured based on a mutually confirmed contract.

The tariff for reserved capacity is charged monthly, meaning the consumer pays regularly for the reserved capacity according to the contractual terms. If the consumer exceeds the RC value, the supplier charges a capacity overrun fee. The value of reserved capacity can be increased during the calendar year up to the level of the Maximum Reserved Capacity (MRC).