
Flexibility (demand side response)

Flexibility (demand side response) is the ability to increase or decrease the output of operating technologies and energy sources, or shifting the electricity consumption of a delivery point through battery storage in real time. The goal of this flexibility is to reduce the load on the transmission system. It helps balance peaks (peak shaving) and shift loads (load shifting), which represents additional income for delivery points from providing uncertified ancillary services.

Flexibility plays a key role in the transition to a low-carbon energy system with a higher share of renewable energy sources. It enables efficient management of electricity consumption and production, thus contributing to the stability and sustainability of the energy system.

Fossil Fuels

Fossil fuels are natural energy resources that formed over millions of years from the decomposition of plant and animal remains buried beneath the Earth's surface. The most common fossil fuels include coal, oil, and natural gas. These resources are used for electricity generation, heating, and as transportation fuels.

Fossil fuels are the main source of energy for many industries, but burning them produces greenhouse gas emissions such as carbon dioxide (CO2), which contributes to global warming and climate change. In addition, the extraction and processing of fossil fuels can have negative impacts on the environment, including water and soil pollution.

FUERGY control unit

Fuergy control unit is a communication interface between FUERGY software and hardware, such as a battery storage and photovoltaic panels. This hardware is built on the ARB 32-bit architecture, which includes a 64-bit Intel® Atom™ processor. It can be controlled remotely via cloud server, which enables efficient remote management and monitoring of energy systems.

The FUERGY Control Unit is an essential component of every smart battery storage system, brAIn by FUERGY, as it enables efficient management and optimization of energy resources, leading to increased energy efficiency and cost savings.

FUERGY power merger

A device which maintains the parallel connection of three independent DC voltage sources and ensures power redundancy for control and communication devices. In the event of a failure in one of the sources, power is preserved in the remaining devices, increasing reliability of the entire system. Individual power sources do not affect each other, with operation that is problem-free and independent