
Carbon dioxide (CO2)

The most widespread and well-known greenhouse gas, which is produced by the combustion of fossil fuels and other human activities, such as deforestation and biomass burning. CO2 contributes to the greenhouse effect, which leads to global warming and climate change. Reducing carbon dioxide emissions is crucial for environmental protection and mitigating the negative impacts of climate change.

Carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e)

CO2e (carbon dioxide equivalent) is a metric used to express the overall impact of different greenhouse gases on global warming in units of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2). This term allows for the comparison and summation of emissions from various greenhouse gases based on their global warming potential (GWP).

Key points regarding CO2e include:

  • Global Warming Potential (GWP): Each greenhouse gas has a different global warming potential. For example, methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) have a higher GWP than carbon dioxide (CO2), meaning they have a greater impact on global warming.

  • Conversion to CO2e: The amount of greenhouse gas emissions is converted to CO2 equivalent based on their GWP. For instance, if methane has a GWP of 25, it means that 1 ton of methane has the same impact on global warming as 25 tons of CO2.

  • Overall impact: Using CO2e, we can easily summarize the total impact of various greenhouse gases on global warming, which is useful for analyses and reports related to climate change.

The use of CO2e is crucial for assessing and comparing the climate impacts of different activities and policies, helping in the implementation of effective measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Carbon neutrality

Carbon neutrality is a balance between carbon emission and absorption from the atmosphere via capture devices or offsetting measures. Simply put, it is the amount of greenhouse gasses that we release into the atmosphere as a result of our activities, balanced by what we can remove or compensate for. Achieving carbon neutrality involves reducing emissions through energy efficiency, renewable energy sources, and other ecological measures, as well as investing in carbon capture and storage projects.

Certified ancillary service

The contractual provision of regulation electricity (positive or negative) by an entity that meets the technical and commercial conditions determined by TSO regulations. A contractual commitment to the minimum availability of regulation electricity is required.

According to the activation speed necessary for the device providing regulation electricity, we can divide certified ancillary services into:

  • Primary, otherwise known as Frequency Containment Reserve (FCR for short), with activation under 30 seconds,

  • Secondary, otherwise known as automatic Frequency Restoration Reserve (aFRR for short), with activation up to 300 seconds, and

  • Tertiary, otherwise known as manual Frequency Restoration Reserve (mFRR for short) with activation up to 750 seconds.

Financial rewards are offered for the regulation electricity provided, as well as for availability even when regulation electricity is not provided. In the event that the TSO detects an entity's inability to comply with the agreed availability period, the entity is fined.

Certified ancillary service is mainly provided by entities burning fossil-fuels, such as heating plants and diesel generators. Green providers of certified ancillary services can be transfer tanks or entities burning biomass, and now also battery storage systems.


A converter is an electronic device that changes electrical energy from one form to another. It is most commonly used to convert direct current (DC) to alternating current (AC) or otherwise. Converters are crucial in various applications, such as solar energy systems, electric vehicles, and household appliances.

The main types of converters include:

  • Inverters: Convert direct current (DC) to alternating current (AC), which is essential for powering household appliances from batteries or solar panels.

  • Rectifiers: Convert alternating current (AC) to direct current (DC), which is important for charging batteries and powering devices that require direct current.

  • AC-DC Converters: Combine the functions of rectifiers and inverters, allowing flexible conversion between alternating and direct current.

The main advantages of converters include:

  • Flexibility: They enable the use of various energy sources and devices by adapting the form of electrical energy as needed.

  • Efficiency: Modern converters are highly efficient and minimize energy losses during conversion.

  • Safety: Converters often include protective features that prevent damage to devices due to overvoltage or other power issues.

Converters are essential for integrating renewable energy sources into the electrical grid, as they enable the efficient conversion and use of energy produced by sources such as solar panels.


A counter-deviation is a deviation that occurs in the power system as a response to an initial deviation, with the aim of restoring the balance between electricity production and consumption. When one part of the system experiences a deviation, such as an excess or shortage of electricity, another part of the system can create a counter-deviation to compensate for this difference and stabilize the system.

Counter-deviations are an important tool in power system management because they allow operators to quickly respond to unexpected changes in electricity supply and demand.