And how was the year 2019 for FUERGY?
We were doing what we know best - saving energy costs
In 2019, we successfully launched our pilot project from the product category brAIn by FUERGY, which aimed to lower the energy expenses of an office building located in Northern Slovakia. The results? They exceeded all of our most ambitious expectations. With savings of around 66%, we have reached less than a 4-year payback period of the investment. And this is just the beginning. Our mission to improve the way the electricity market works today is gaining momentum and we believe that in 2020 we will be able to make it happen.

We were teaching elementary school children about the importance of energy and how not to waste it
To be honest, when Thomas approached us at the beginning of 2019 with the offer to sponsor and co-produce his new show ECO ENERGY TOUR, we couldn’t quite imagine what would be the outcome. Although we knew one thing for sure – we have to teach our kids about energy. How not to waste it, what is good for nature and how they can help to make the world a greener place? Questions that are hard to explain to young audiences. But we tried and the result was absolutely worth it! ECO ENERGY TOUR is full of passion and proves that teaching doesn’t need to be boring. Kids are our future and as the saying goes – we have to strike while the iron is hot.

We were making ourselves known
Even attracting the interest of the already grown-up audience might be a challenge. Especially when it comes to products and services that are still unknown to the energy market. To change that, we needed to spread the message about the mind-blowing energy cost savings that FUERGY brings as much as we could. We attended conferences and a variety of events, giving panel discussions and presentations, not only in Slovakia but also beyond the borders.
We also improved the structure of our website. Each of our products now has its own subpage so we believe that every client can quickly find what he is searching for. Moreover, in order to give people a chance to get to know FUERGY in more depth, in the course of the year 2019 we launched new language versions (Slovak and Czech) of our website and blog.
Energy is indeed a complicated topic. But the utility bill doesn’t necessarily need to be just an obscure piece of paper. That’s why, in our blogs, we were explaining the basics – how the energy market works, how to reach the full potential of renewables and what changes (for the better) we can expect in the near future.

We were growing our team of experts
Changing the long-established, but outdated, energy system can be done only under experienced supervision. We are honored that the year 2019 brought us our new Director of Sales – Miroslav Struz. Miro, as everyone calls him, has devoted all of his professional life to the energy industry and knows all the processes inside and out. His, so far particularly successful career, entitles him to be considered as an expert in the field with the capacity to manage the transformation of the system better than anyone else before. One illustration of this is the article for TREND magazine about Miro’s views on the energy efficiency of buildings.

We were enhancing our team bonds and chasing adventures
When your headquarters and R&D center are located in different cities, every occasion to spend some time together is more precious. In 2019 we decided to reunite and do our workshop in the lovely region of South Moravia in Czech republic. All the wine tasting, bike riding with amazing scenery and singing along with the local folk band will certainly resonate in our hearts for a very long time. This confirmed once again that FUERGY people can not only work hard but also play hard.

So if there is one thing we could say in the context of the year 2019, it would be a simple “Thank you!”. For all of the opportunities, challenges, people and wonderful moments it brought us.
And our resolutions for 2020?
To follow our mission of turning renewable energy sources into an efficient and affordable alternative for everyone. If possible, we would like to achieve this with the best possible attitude and with at least the same enthusiasm and dedication that we have had so far.
Now let’s start off on the right foot!
Are you ready to be part of the renewable energy revolution and take your energy independence to the next level? Contact us today! Our experts are here to help you find a tailor-made solution to your needs.
New dimension of energy optimization